Tuesday, August 16, 2016

??Does Apple Cider Vinegar Really Help with High Porosity??


As a High porosity curl girl we as a porosity group get pushed to the back and most hair lines are made for the low to normal porosities.  So most of the time we High po's have to fend for ourselves.  

DIY's, or finding different lines to find that perfect leave in but then have to search other product lines to find the perfect butter and oil, so on and so on you know what I mean.  And the double edge sword is that you hope and pray they all work well together adn your not have alot of white beads in your hair.

Then you have the myths and rumors of products, ingredients that will help High porosity hair to fix the Damaged high porosity hair(that is a whole different blog to talk about how that works my entire nerves right there...but i digress).



I know as a newbie natural every natural I spoke to, read blogs about, watched youtube videos have praised ACV(apple cider vinegar) as the ALL MIGHTY hair product you can use it to cleanse your hair, detangle your hair, soften your hair and even Close your hair cuticles.

 The latter is the test I am putting in my Myth vs Facts:


Why do this series of videos challenging ACV or other myths: 

1.  As a High po gal this pertains to my hair

2. I have tried ACV and the ACV rinse( 1/4 ACV and 3/4 water) and my kizzy (my hair nickname) did not like it at all.  My hair was not soft and it tangled more for me.

3.  All the natural hair community: bloggers, vloggers, Hair companies keep telling us this is good for our hair, and we NEED it but when I used it my hair hating it.

4.  NO on really showed me WHY this will work for my hair and  after showing me the results  HOW it could benefit me.


So I took it upon myself to see what would happen if i put the ACV to the test.

 I felt that this had to be done in such a way that there would be no questioning the results.  So I purchased a store brand ACV, a popular ACV brand and the HG, the Queen or King of all ACV  

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