The first time Oh My Goodness, all I can say have no plans because your whole day is Booked. Why well the steps to Hennaing your hair are as followed:
*Step 1the Mixing,
*Step 2 The waiting 3 hours....Yes 3 hours for the henna to mix was torture, but this step is to ensure the lawsone is activate so that your hair will take on the reddish orange tone .
*Step 3 add the Henna to my hair and then yep you guessed it wait another 2-4 hours for the henna to bind to the keratin in my hair cuticles.
*Step 4 wash, condition and style your hair.
Sounds easy but oh so time consuming.
Well to say the lest I was not team Henna after that.
But then I found what I thought was the answer to my prays, the henna gloss bar. I thought it is already mixed, (Early celebration dance inserted here) and all I have to do is melt it and apply to my hair wait 2-3 hours and bam Im good. NOT even. My gray hairs had a barley there yellow tint to it.
So I was back to square one.
Either Henna and have my whole day taking away from me or Dye my hair which I really didn't want to do but it was a way faster process. These were my two options until a curl friend of mine put me on the 411.
She gave me the Smartest most simplifying tip for Henna ever. Mix the henna and then put it on the hair immediately after mixing. Then cover your hair and go to sleep with the Henna in your hair. Over night it will active the Lawsone molecule and in the morning you wash, condition and style your hair. This henna treatment allows you to skip 3-5 hours wait time. I mean genius right. I have to give my girl Napfreedom215 a big cyber kiss and hug for sharing this with me.
My hair came out exactly like it did on the first attempt of Henna I dare even say a dark red orange then it was before. So this changes every thing for me.
So if you have tried Henna and the wait time and hours on your hair was not worth the effort give this a try and see if you become a Henna head natural.
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